Friday, September 24, 2010

Bad Days

There is usually some kind of reason as to why I'm having a bad day. A lot of the time it's simply because I'm tired and as a result, cranky. It usually leads to me being headachey as well. When I'm in a foul mood I'm not the most social person and I especially hate when people mess with my plans. Take today for example.

I had to be up at 6:30am to get ready so I could be at my orientation down at the board office with all the other supply teachers. I didn't sleep well last night because I'm still stuffy and I was anxious.

I then spent all morning at the board office doing a very tedious orientation. The only part I enjoyed was when they explained how I get paid. I then drove back across town and made lunch and sat on my butt for a bit before I then had to do the dishes/clean up the kitchen. I then went to a three hour rehearsal at my old high school for the musical.

During the day, I'd also tried to establish plans for tomorrow with two of my friends - S who has been mentioned previously and K. I thought we'd go to a nice pub tomorrow and do drinks and some munchy food. They agreed to this. Well as I'm leaving the school apparently S had invited two other people we know from high school and neither of them could do tomorrow.

Here's the thing - they were invited belatedly so...I don't really care if they can't come. Plus one guy is a total dickwad anyway. But now we're all going out tonight and we're meeting at one place for food/drinks and then apparently going to the one country style bar.

The boys do not dance so why the fuck would you go to a dance bar? Also - I want to be able to sit around and just chill. I don't want to deal with drunk ass fucktards since that's who will be there because all the students are back. So any of those young bars are out of fucking control. Also - I don't want to go and just drink. I also really don't want to go out tonight. Like fuck this shit.

S called to let me know what the actual game plan was cause when we were texting he was being stupidly vague and it was pissing me off. So I told him straight up that I've been up since 6:30 and I'm tired. I also know this is going to be a stupid group outing because again neither of the guys like dancing so why the hell would you plan on going to a dance bar? The other guy never even hardly fucking talks.

So now my already poor mood is growing increasingly foul. And I have a headache. Beautiful.

But at least I have reasons for my poor mood. I know a lot of people who are just in perpetual bad moods and always have bad days. I don't understand how this happens! If your life sucks that much do something about it. K is a prime example of this. She's making things worse on herself by continuing to moon over her ex. There's a huge massive backstory to this, but sufficed to say it's not going anywhere and it's over. She can't quite get over it and makes it worse on herself in stupid ways.

I'm 22 years old, but lately I feel much older. I think it's the being done school and everything else. I just feel old. I'm tired, I don't want to do these stupid games people insist on doing, and I just want to hang out with other adults. The problem is I know the more I hang out with these people, the more I end up like them. I get stuck in this continual foul mood where I bitch about EVERYTHING and that bothers me even more because I know I could stop it by just getting away from the negative nellies in my life.

It's frustrating.

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